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Fraud is an act or omission where an individual(s) knowingly or recklessly misleads or attempts to mislead a party for the purpose of obtaining a financial or other benefit.  Fraud is a threat to businesses and the general public. 


The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners periodically publishes information regarding the real cost to businesses.  According to the 2020 Global Fraud Study, "Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse", the costs to businesses represent 5% of revenues annually or a median loss totaling $125,000.  The report further states that in a majority of the reported cases, the fraudster concealed their activities by creating and altering physical or electronic documents.  Unfortunately, small businesses, who tend not to have the means to implement anti-fraud controls, were disproportionately victimized when compared to larger companies.  Based on our extensive experience investigating occupational fraud, fraud often goes undetected for extended periods resulting in significant losses to the business.  The need for qualified and experienced financial forensics experts has never been greater.

Fraud is Threat to Everyone!

DHF Financial Forensics PLLC's professionals possess an array of skills, knowledge, experience, education, and training necessary to identify fraud risks and gauge internal controls focused on detecting and mitigating fraud.  If sufficient suspicion exists of fraud loss, our experts are set to provide discreet and timely investigations into the suspected fraud and accounting inconsistencies.  We currently employ a former law enforcement officer who is highly qualified to assist businesses. His experience in working alongside criminal defense attorneys provides our clients with a unique perspective on the criminal adjudicative process, so that they may make informed decisions regarding potential next steps. 

Laptop and Paperwork

General Steps in the Investigation Process:


  • Evaluate the presented facts

    • Identify parties to the case

    • Understand the legal issues

    • Confirm technical capabilities

  • Communicate Issues

    • Clarify timelines and due dates

    • Adhere to agreed upon standards

  • Develop an investigative strategy

  • Conduct interviews

  • Perform background research

    • Evaluate veracity of parties and claims

    • Measure the currency of information

    • Establish the admissibility of data/evidence

  • Collect information and documentation

    • Adhere to chain of custody protocol

  • Analysis of documentation and information

  • Communicate findings and opinions

  • Issue report or other deliverable

  • If requested, coordinate with regulators and prosecutors

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